Decatur Land Trust Community Advisory Board Recruitment Information
The Decatur Land Trust Community Advisory Board Recruitment Information
Community Advisory Board (CAB) Overview
The Decatur Land Trust, Inc. seeks to form its first Community Advisory Board for the FY 2023 fiscal year. The Mission of the DLT Land Trust’s Community Advisory Board is to provide counsel, support, and feedback to Decatur Land Trust’s board of directors and executive leadership regarding the direction for the organization’s future and its initial start-up development projects. The DLT CAB will also provide volunteer assistance at DLT workshops, educational outreach, and fundraising events. The DLT Community Advisory Board will comprise community leaders who support the DLT mission of preserving a permanently affordable City of Decatur, including safeguarding the communities diverse and inclusive neighborhoods. Members shall serve as enthusiastic ambassadors and partners in the organization’s efforts to raise awareness of the need for affordable housing.
Community Advisory Board Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Community Advisory Board?
Advisory boards or committees are volunteer groups formed to give advice and support to a nonprofit’s governing board or executive staff. Unlike a governing board, an advisory board has no formal legal responsibilities or decision-making authority. Advisory boards can be helpful for fundraising, gathering advice on specific programs, or providing leadership opportunities for key community members who may need more capacity or time to serve on an organization’s governing board. And finally, they can expand organizational capacity, reach, and impact in ways that might not be appropriate or feasible for board or staff members.
What is the time commitment for CAB members?
Community advisory board members will be expected to attend at least 75% of all scheduled CAB meetings. Meetings will be in person and virtually afford the most flexibility for members. Members may also be asked to provide subject matter expert feedback on specific tops or special projects and participation as a speaker at community education and outreach events. We estimate an average monthly commitment of 4-6 hours.
How will you use my volunteer time, expertise, and knowledge effectively?
The DLT CAB will be a high-functioning advisory board divided into specific committees based on your expertise. Each committee will have a DLT Board liaison that will provide your group with specific project-based assignments with clearly identified goals and objectives based on the organization’s current areas of need.
Ready to join up? Complete the application online now.